

【英語研究部】What is your Ideal Job?

For today’s English conversation, we had three small activities. First, we started with a Riddle. The students read 3 riddles. They tried to guess the answer and explained why they thought so. After that, they were given a speaking prompt where they will think about what their Ideal Job is. They were given three minutes to think of their answer. One student shared that instead of one Ideal Job, he has three. He wanted to be a Pilot, a Diplomat, and his house’s Security Guard. He went on to explain that he likes traveling and talking to many people. He added that he wants to ensure his house is safe from trespassers and criminals. 

Lastly, we had a Jeopardy game. They need to read the questions and submit their answers in 30 seconds. The first group to get the correct answer gets the points. We used the Q & A feature of the Google slides for students to submit their answers. The class is divided into two groups. In the end, the group of ladies won.